Everyday Things, Friendship, Grateful

Decade or Not, An Assessment

January 1, 2020

I was doing my yearly reflection and writing when I was caught off guard by the din of the news channels pointing out that it was not only the end of the year, but the end of the decade. This was followed by naysayers arguing that the new decade would start in January 1, 2021. Whichever is correct, it caused me to reassess my assessment.

I don’t know how it almost slipped by me. Perhaps because the arbitrary delineation of time into years, decades, even centuries, doesn’t seem to have the level of importance it had when I was younger. Time is time, it marches on. Doesn’t matter whether you like it or not; wish that it wouldn’t; or pretend that it doesn’t. It does, and there’s absolutely nothing that’s going to stop it.

So when I reflect on the past ten years

I have produced eight documentaries which aired nationwide; survived a toxic co-worker; lost a number of family members to death; survived David’s heart surgery; helped one amazing woman get her green card; met, in the course of production, people that have become very dear to me, including one special nun and a woman with nineteen years sobriety; saw about eighty Broadway shows; “forced” four friends/coworkers to return to graduate school for a terminal degree; endured running injuries that made me refocus on the bike and the elliptical; outgrew four good friends but found three more who have a larger piece of my heart; lost and gained the same fifteen pounds at least twenty times; wrote and produced 35 short videos on gratitude; won three Emmys; started travelling outside the Caribbean and visited countries in Europe and the Middle East; saw the passing of three dear cats and got two more equally dear; helped two Tibetans out of detention and on the path to US citizenship; didn’t surrender my passion for chocolate

I figure it’s been a damn good decade. And I look forward with eagerness to the new one. As always, I am grateful. Truly grateful.

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